Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Initial Ramblings

Sparked by a desire in my heart to create, write, and share, I have decided to start this blog.  My intention is mainly to share my life and things I love with you all in hopes that you will share as well.  My blog will most likely include posts about food, faith, friends, family, Franklin, and running.  I know my alliteration was ruined there with the inclusion of running, but it's a big part of my life now so I had to include it in spite of the fact that it doesn't begin with an "F."

Saturday, June 27:
I wasn't sure the night before if I would feel like running the Hammond Hill 5K because I knew I would have a busy Saturday helping cater a wedding with the wonderful catering service Uniquely Yours (I encourage everyone to go follow Uniquely Yours on Facebook because Elizabeth and her company are awesome).  But when my alarm went off on Saturday, I thought, why not?  I try to follow my current running mantra, which is to appreciate running as much as I can now because there will come a time in my life when I won't be able to anymore.  I should treat every mile I am able to run as the privilege and gift that it is.
I didn't want to race the 5K, but I knew I wanted to challenge myself to run under 9 min/mi pace overall as the race's theme was "Challenge Yourself."  Although there were clouds out and a chill in the air as I was registering, by race start time the sun was out.  The trail was beautiful, and the hill wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.  It helped quite a bit to focus on the awesome view of Clam Beach as my body was pushing up the hill.  Another thing I noticed about this race were the super speedy kids!  I have seriously never seen little legs run so fast.  They did awesome.  I finished at 24:52, which averages to around an 8 min mile...yay!  In addition to the finisher's ribbon, I earned a pin in the green category, which means I finished under a special certified time for my gender and age group.

I seriously LOVE being apart of the Six Rivers Running Club.  Joining was an absolutely wonderful decision.  Even though I am not as outwardly social as I wish I was brave enough to be at these events, I love being apart of a community that values running as much as I do and holds free races every month!  I hope anyone interested will sign up to join the club as well.  I think now it would only be ten bucks or so!  Check the club out at and see the dates for future races as well as read the monthly newsletter.

Mileage: 3.1 miles

Sunday, June 28:
Because I only had 3 miles clocked in for the weekend, I decided to make Sunday a long run.  Normally I do my long runs on Saturday mornings, but since I don't teach Sunday school in the summer, I knew I could make time for a long run before church.  I set out my usual route down Harrison, past Washington school, down Walnut, but instead of turning down Campton, I decided to run to Ridgewood School.  Right where Walnut meets Campton Drive however, I was fearfully stopped in my tracks at the sight of a giant dead deer right on the side of the road!  I was already skittish as it was early on Sunday with few cars out and I was running right by the woods.  I can distinctly remember first seeing the hooves and then my breathing stopped for a second.  I quickly crossed to the other side of the road so I wouldn't have to see the poor animal's face.  After I reached Ridgewood School, I stopped for a quick drink, and headed back home, but not before stopping to pee at my in-law's house :)  I love that they live on my route in case of bathroom/water emergencies.  I should note that on this run, I listened to a podcast for the first time.  I was just getting so bored with my music, and it was Sunday so I thought I'd listen to a sermon.  My good friend Jenny introduced me to David Platt's podcasts at so I downloaded a few of those to listen on my long run.  I am SO glad I did.  He is a compelling speaker, and held my attention even as I was getting a bit fatigued.  Two of the sermons that I was really encouraged by were "Fasting to Feast on God" and "A Christ-Compelled Response to Nepal."  The main takeaway I took from the few that I listened to was to live with URGENCY. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us, so we are to get our hearts right with God, as well as spread the gospel to as many people as we can. I recommend you download these and listen to them while you're at work, home, or out running as well.  Here's where you can easily download them right onto your phone:

Today I also finally signed up for the Humboldt Bay Half Marathon.  I am SUPER excited about this.  It's the very first one and my uncle/running coach/physical therapist/fastest doctor in the West- Trevor Carlson is the course technical director.  For anyone else interested in running the marathon or half, check out the website

Mileage: 10 miles

Monday, June 29:
Not a lot happened today other than the fact that I decided to attempt to make scones for the first time ever to use a bunch of raspberries we have.  I went with a recipe that called for whole wheat flour and oats.  I was worried they would be dry (which is why I am not a huge scone fan), but they weren't.  They were buttery and sweet, and super delicious topped with lemon curd from Trader Joe's.  I just love a raspberry/lemon combo.  The hubs even approved.

Other than scone making, eating, and cleaning, I went to my usual circuit class at Healthsport.  Everyone should come to Megan's class at 4:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays!  She will kick your booty.

Tuesday, June 30:
This morning I got a LiveScan done at the police station for Humboldt County Office of Education so I can start subbing in the fall-yay!
I'm currently re-reading my favorite book, To Kill a Mockingbird, because 1.) it's my favorite 2.) summers remind me of the Finch kids and Dill and 3.) Harper Lee's manuscript that was recently found and turned into a sequel, Go Set a Watchman, is being released next month and I. am. so. excited.  I gotta get my hands on a copy as soon as it comes out!
I decided to start back up speed training again today.  For my first half marathon in May, my uncle/coach Trevor did speed work with me every Tuesday night beforehand at the Eureka High track so naturally, I wanted to reserve Tuesdays for speed training again.  I did pretty much what Trevor would always have me do.  About a mile or so warm-up, various exercises such as high-knees, cariocas, butt-kicks, squats, and leapfrogs for 100m and back.  Then, it's time for speed work.  I do 4x400m that I have to keep under 1:45 with a slow jog in between each.  It was as tough as I remember and I knew I would be feeling the soreness in the next few days.  It felt good, though to be back at it and getting myself in the mindset for setting a new PR at Humboldt Bay Half, which I hope shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish as I have only run 1 half marathon :) I will have to remember next Tuesday to come at a different time, though, because the high school football summer training was totally in my way and cramping my speedy 400s!

Mileage: 3 warmup and cooldown with 2 4x400 miles.

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