Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 Goals.

2015, you’ve been a GOOD one.

This year, I grew even more in love with this handsome fella.  Seriously, how do I even deserve him?!

I totally didn’t anticipate this year being as awesome as it was, and I attribute it to several reasons.  First of all, this was the year I really got into running.  It was my first year racing, and I truly fell in love with the sport and running community.  I joined the running club this year, ran many local races, 3 half marathons (my first one), and got outside of my comfort zone in trail running and a couple times tried running in groups with people I didn’t know beforehand, but got to know.

2015 race bling

Second, work has been going pretty well for me.  After I didn’t get into HSU’s teaching credential program, I contemplated teaching altogether.  I decided I needed to see if it was really something I wanted to pursue as a career so I went out on faith and applied to be a substitute teacher.  It felt uneasy not knowing if I would get calls to come in or if it would be a solid income.  I’m so glad to report that I get called in pretty much daily, and 90 percent of the time I know at least a day ahead of when I’m supposed to come in.  I love that I get experience managing a class on my own and with so many different age groups from kindergarten to high school.
Before photo of my first ever substitute teaching experience.  1st grade at Ridgewood and as nervous as I was before, I was relieved to find it was such a blast!

Third, this year included not one, but TWO visits to the Happiest Place on Earth.

Ran into my absolute favorite character from my favorite show, Schmidt from New Girl, at the Grand Californian!

Lastly, I have tried several new things this year.  I began volunteering at the library in October in the children’s section to gain library experience in case that is something I ever want to pursue (afer all, being a school librarian is my dream job).  I took an opportunity to help with an awesome catering company as needed.  I participated in Bible study. I started a blog. J  It really was a year of saying “yes” and I am so proud of all that was accomplished and how much I learned about myself this year.

Now that I know I can set and achieve goals for myself, it’s time to make new goals for 2016!

Running goals:

1.)    Run a full marathon.  Running a half marathon was something that I always wanted to do, believed I could, but never got around to doing.  A full marathon, on the other hand, is something that I really truly believed I may never get the opportunity to do.  It just seemed physically impossible and something only extreme badasses could do.  Well, I wanna be a badass so I am now training to run my first ever full marathon, the Humboldt Bay Marathon, in August.

2.)    New PR for half marathon/sub 1:55 half marathon.  The first half I ever ran my goal was sub 2 hours.  I finished in 1:59 something or other…yeah.  Close call.  Then, I smashed that time with my next half at 1:55:15!  I’m aiming for 1:50 this year J
Avenue of the Giants Half Marathon- May 2015.  My first ever half marathon finish photo courtesy of Yoon Kim

3.)    Run with people.  I really only run by myself.  I like my own pace, hide behind music, and I fear awkward silences or conversation when running with people, but with mileage increasing this year as well as boredom, I really need to step outside of the box and put myself out there to run with people/groups.
Christmas Eve morning run with some super awesome running club members I look forward to getting to run with more!

4.)    Complete the Rock n’ Roll Running Series Cali Combo.  To earn this medal, I would need to complete three Rock n’ Roll races in California.  If I can convince the hubby (pretty please?), I would like to run San Francisco in April, San Diego in June, and San Jose in October.  I’ve heard Rock n’ Roll races are a blast and I’d like to experience for myself.  Plus, who doesn’t love some extra bling with that Cali Combo medal?

5.)    Race out of state.  I have no idea what I’d like to do for this one; just wanted to make this list a bit more interesting :)

Personal goals:

1.)    Read through the entire Bible.  I half attempted this last year, but didn’t even keep up a month into the reading schedule I printed out.  I think I’ll ask Syd to do this with me to give me more accountability and so we can grow together in the Word and in our marriage.

2.)    Give blood.  I have never done this because I am so squeamish with needles and my own blood.  My mom always encourages me to do this because she would like to and can't so I think I’ll challenge myself to do this on behalf of her.

3.)    Lead a Bible Study/service project.  I’ve said yes to helping at so many church activities, but have yet to lead anything.

4.) Continue to attend group fitness classes twice a week.  These are sometimes SO hard to convince myself to go to because I'd rather just run and they make me sore for running, but I always end up feeling awesome that I went.
Post Star Wars circuit workout at Healthsport Eureka with Megan at 4:30!  Y'all should come join...look how much fun we have :)

I’d love to know what everyone else’s goals are for the new year!  Maybe I can even draw more inspiration from you.

P.S.  I know I left y’all hanging with the summer recap, and I’ll still get around to sharing about Disneyland racing.  It was just SO long ago and I have so much to cover from it so I wanted to save it for another time.


  1. As someone who is just getting to know you, I really enjoyed this year end recap. Jump in for a few more of the ladies' group runs, everyone is really nice. :)

  2. I am just saying hi to see if this works cuz this is the 3rd time I have tried.

  3. ok now it works...3rd times a charm. Hi Katrin, it's Kathy Travis and mostly I wanted to say you are fierce at your running, also, how did you like the Bachelor last week? Did Ben still look like Syd to you? I showed Mike and Brandon and they both said "SYD" so I would say he is a copy. Keep up the great work you do. Love you lots...K.

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words and reading my blog, Kathy! I really do like this season of the Bachelor...the ladies are so ridiculous. But, it's actually a little hard for me to watch someone who looks so much like my husband kissing other girls haha. I'm not a huge fan of any of the ladies probably for that reason.
